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The Raw Exposure: Oysters & Sauvignon Blanc at Ironside Featuring Master Sommeliers Sur Lucero, Thomas Price, and Executive Chef/Owner of Ironside Fish & Oyster Jason McLeod
Event Date:
Start Date: Thursday, 11-20-2014

End Date: 11-20-2014

Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Cost: $45.00

1654 India St
San Diego, CA92101
Details: There are more than 200 different oysters in North America, with very different flavor profiles, and they pair with very different wines. Sauvignon Blanc, with its zippy acidity, vibrant fruit, and extensive range, makes ideal wines with which to explore oyster styles, and Matanzas Creek, with its three different expressions of Sauvignon Blanc, is superbly positioned to lead that exploration. Join Sur Lucero and Thomas Price, Master Sommeliers along with Jason McLeod from Ironside as they guide you through an amazing taste sensation. Few things are more delicious and romantic than a plate of oysters with a great white wine, where the sea’s greatest ambassador meets the land’s finest creation.
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