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Cheap Date Night with Grilled Cheese |
Event Date: Start Date: Wednesday, 4-18-2007 End Date: Wednesday, 4-18-2007
Time: 7pm
Cost: $20.00
Location: 1389 Lincoln Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 |
Click here to map directions |
Details: Tax man take all your money? Can’t face the big bill of a swanky restaurant? The Grapevine is the answer to your woes. We will be serving up a passel of gooey, oozing, scrumptious grilled cheese sandwiches paired with some tasty wines that don’t break the budget. Ruth is always concocting something special, so don’t miss her latest creations. $20 per person (limited to 50 participants)
Phone Number: (408)293-7574 |
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